Saturday, May 19, 2012

Don't look here anymore!

I've created a new blog for our new addition. Well, what I should say is...I've amended this blog to include our new addition. There is a new blog address to bookmark:

This blog has all of the previous entries imported to it as well as the comments people have made in the past, so ultimately it is the same blog with a few new features.

I haven't had time to add all the frills like scrolling slideshows in the margins and so forth, so you'll have to "excuse the mess while we remodel".

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Welcome Lenore!

Lenore AnnLouise Harrison-Zdenek.

Born May 18th, 2012. 4:27pm. 6lbs 15.1oz. 19.7 inches.

From Lenore Birthday
More in the album and coming soon!!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy Belated Mother's Day

I know, I know...I'm late.

I didn't forget though. We are so anxiously awaiting this new child, that I didn't have to time to update.

SOOO...Happy Mother's Day! a few days late....

From Archive

Lincoln made mommy a card and we brought her breakfast in bed. Hope you all had a great day as well.

One quick final note: I added some newer pictures to the iPhone album, which can be seen in here---->

Also, we had a midwife appointment yesterday and everything is going well. This baby should come soon, but we have until next Wednesday, a week from today, just in case it decides to take its time. Our due date was the 9th and they let you go 2 weeks past before you have to either induce or schedule a c-section. We are hoping for natural this time.

Monday, May 7, 2012


again... I let another month go by without posting? How?! I have so much to catch up on!

Gena is coming along perfectly with the next addition to our family unit. We are due in two days, but she could really go any time now since she is already having some intermittent contractions. It's pretty much just a waiting game now.

I am nearly done painting our bedroom in anticipation for the little one. After I finish (hopefully tomorrow) I have to build the new crib and then we are all set...I guess. I mean, I still have a garden to finish building and plant, a lawn to finish tending to, a fence to finish building, a playroom to paint and assemble, a pantry that should have been done 6 months ago...the list goes on! If I can get our room finished and put back together in the next day or two, I will be more than happy with the progress we've made.

Finally, Lincoln is excited to be a brother. He thinks it is a girl for sure. We are still unsure about what it will be, but either way, it's the last one so it isn't as if it is really all that important. Either way we will love it and our family will be complete. Although, we still haven't quite decided on a boy name yet, so if it isn't a girl, it may remain nameless for a bit.

We spent most of the day cleaning and painting today. It's that whole nesting instinct you get into when the baby is almost here I guess. Lincoln still has some work to do on cleaning up his room, but that may never get done. I guess I could probably assemble the new swing we bought tonight, just in case. Last night I installed the second carseat and now we have no room to take any passengers anywhere with us every again!

I will not be updating live like I did with the last birth. I will have my computer with me through the entire thing, but I will most likely post a very brief update after the baby is born and leave the rest of the blog work for after we get home and I have some time off to do it. Wish us luck in the next week or so. Hopefully it will be less than that!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

More video

Here's another one for you to watch. He's "helping" me do Wii fit exercises. We are doing the karate workout. I think he is doing a better job than I am at following the little guys on the television. This was taken a while ago...

Monday, March 19, 2012

He's a Maniac, Maniac on the...Couch??

Gena has recently been getting Lincoln into music. She plays a song or music video on her computer for him and then talks to him about the music or the band. He will often comment on the singer's hair or the way the music sounds. He even tells us if he thinks the song is good or bad. Here is a clip of Lincoln dancing to the song "Sexy and I Know It" by LMFAO. It's pretty hilarious...

Sexy and I Know It from Lucas Harrison-Zdenek on Vimeo.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Little Changes

I'm making some little changes around this blog soon. With a new kiddo on the way, rather than start another blog and worry about not keeping up with two, I'm reorganizing this blog to accommodate our growing family.

I'm still considering a redesign of the layout, but for now the only major changes are the title and, eventually the web address. I will announce more soon, after I find a good way to transition without confusing everyone.

In the meantime, we have been enjoying the beautiful weather the past couple of days by playing outside a lot and getting some of the outside projects ready. Our primary flower garden under our big front window is now ready to be planted and we have a bunch of really nice perennials to put in there. in addition to the flowers we have purchased, the guys who did our renovations before we moved in just planted 3 leafy Hosta plants right next to our back door. They have always been in a bad spot so I am going to transplant them this season.

The garden will also be expanding this year with 2 new beds as well as a new plan. I have been reading a lot about this technique called "square foot gardening" and this year I'm going to dive right into it. It looks like it may work perfectly for the size and location of my garden, since it is designed for small urban areas to make the most of your space with as little maintenance as possible.

We just took a tour of Henry Ford West Bloomfield last night and we are both amazed at how nice it is. Of course, being somewhat new and also being built in a very affluent area helps. The hospital has everything from a beauty salon to a huge cafeteria to a store that carries all sorts of natural products instead of the standard junky stuffed animals and dying bunches of flowers.

The labor and delivery floor has private rooms for every mother-to-be, jacuzzi tub in every room, a 32" television with internet access built in, a mini fridge so you don't have to go down the hall to get your personal food and well as a bunch of other awesome modern amenities.

We are keeping our fingers crossed now, hoping that everything goes more smoothly the second time around!